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  • Silencio
    Aug 24, 04:37 PM
    My girlfriend is having a field-day. Being a Dell fan-girl, I was like nyahhhh your laptop's gonna explode.

    Gotta watch out where you apply that schadenfreude. It often comes back to bite you in the end!

    That's exactly how I felt when I first heard about Dell's big safety recall, knowing it was a matter of time before Apple followed suit because of their own extensive use of Sony batteries.

    My girlfriend is also a Windows user, but she's no fan-girl. She says her ThinkPad T43 will be her last PC. :)

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  • Coloring Pages Kids

  • babyj
    Sep 22, 03:00 PM
    How comes Walmart control so much of the US retail market, yet everyone here hates them and refuses to shop there? They might not be ethical, they might bully suppliers, they might put small stores out of business but they keep prices down and everyone wants to pay less for everything.

    Its similar with Tesco in the UK, they might not be as dominant as Walmart in the US but they aren't that far off it. The subject that normally comes up in the UK is the prices the supermarkets pay to farmers. Everyone says its shocking and that they are bullying the farmers, yet everyone is more than happy to pay less and less for farm produce.

    I don't see how what Walmart does or says about this really matters. They ain't going to stop selling dvds as they won't want to lose the profit, if it gets to the point where they're not making enough profit they will just drop them on the spot. More likely is that they will use it as a bargaining chip to get better prices on dvds so they can increase profits further.

    I can't see it being an issue in the UK, or the rest of the EU. The monopoly and competition rules of the EU are pretty strict and they don't give a damn how big the company is - Bill Gates will testify to this, I think Microsoft had been fined about $500million the last time I checked for breaking the rules on competition.

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  • Here are two coloring pages

  • liverbomb88
    Jan 11, 04:15 PM
    AppleTV with BluRay and iTunes store capability streaming HD content wirelessly to any HDTV in the house.

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  • Barbie coloring pages

  • Kalns
    Nov 8, 09:30 AM
    Does anyone know if that 200Gb Hard Drive will fit in the original macbooks? I have Final Cut Studio but there's just not enough room to run in on my Macbook now.

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  • Kids-n-Fun | Coloring pages:

  • Signal-11
    Mar 20, 05:20 PM
    iPod 3G was fully touch operated (save for the hold switch).
    iPod 4G+Photo went backwards and added physical buttons. To this day they still haven't gone back to the full touch design of the 3G.

    The 3G had separate, discrete, non-mechanical touch pad "buttons." 4G+ eliminated those and incorporated them all onto the touch wheel. For you to claim that those weren't buttons is like me claiming my microwave oven's keypad is fully touch operated. Each of the touch pads are a discrete element. I would have thought that was obvious in the context of what I wrote instead of having to be explicitly stated.

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  • Barbie coloring pages for kids

  • Object-X
    Aug 7, 11:01 PM
    Top Secret stuff? You mean like a movie download service? Or a Front Row PVR? iPhone software?

    I find it interesting that he didn't say anything about Front Row and how it would be improved. He didn't say anything about iChat and how it might evolve into a phone service with an integrated iPod/iPhone. In fact, everything they did show are pretty much improvements to existing technologies, except Time Machine (way cool). They didn't add HD-DVD/Blueray to the Mac Pros. I guess what I'm getting at are things that didn't show up are most likely software technologies that have an accompaning hardware device to go with it, and since those products aren't ready they can't spill the beans just yet.

    Mac World in January is going to be amazing!

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  • Retrograffica
    Jan 11, 01:47 PM
    Yikes!:eek: Wireless electricity...I think I'll wait till they've ironed the bugs out of that one before I test it ;)

    barbie coloring pages for kids. Coloring Barbie Magic Pegasus
  • Coloring Barbie Magic Pegasus

  • dakduel
    Mar 14, 11:48 PM
    heres mine for today

    my brothers skating shoes held together with some shoe glue

    i was playing a an adapter for some old minolta lenses

    this lens was a 50mm 1.4

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  • Fairy Barbie coloring page

  • anim8or
    Apr 14, 02:26 AM
    Spoken like a 12 year old :rolleyes:

    Owning software /= professional. Skill and natural talent for editing make you a professional. A real pro can cut footage on any system, any piece of software and doesn't rely on apps to do it for them. It's a tool that they use to do what they do faster and more efficiently so they can maximize their time/profits.

    To certain degree I see what he is saying...

    If I am correct then the point is that this new way of editing will open up more time for novice editors to spend more time developing editing techniques and styles rather then getting to grips with the software needed to do the job.

    I don't think the pro software makes the editor a pro, but it will be a lot more of a smooth transition when using the new FCPX.

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  • drlunanerd
    Sep 12, 01:41 PM
    Gapless playback.

    w00t OMG LOL etc.


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  • sPAULj
    Jul 22, 11:44 PM
    I think Spanish is the world's 2nd-most spoken language.

    It's the fourth most behind Mandarin, English, and Hindi.

    (just in case you were wondering)

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  • Coloring Pages Kids

  • Jimmieboy
    Nov 8, 07:43 AM
    Yippee! If only they had an improved video card.

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  • Barbie coloring pages for kids

  • MacRy
    Aug 24, 12:47 PM
    Link is up on now:

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  • Barbie Mariposa Coloring Pages

  • Thunderhawks
    Mar 28, 01:11 PM
    I'm not american. Am I meant to know what RadioaShack is?

    Don't waste your time learning about it.

    Gone in a few years!

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  • Barbie princess coloring pages

  • wordoflife
    Oct 10, 04:43 PM
    No more PowerBook. Love the new Mac Mini, I would put in an SSD, but they're still too expensive, and I really don't need one. Its extremely quiet anyway.

    Stock Mac Mini 2.4ghz + 4gb of RAM (Crucial off Newegg)
    20" Cinema Display (I'm going to mount that powerbrick behind the desk, I hate looking at it)
    Bose Companion 2 speakers
    64gb iPad WiFi
    160gb iPod Classic

    Wow! I love your setup.
    The Mac Mini looks amazing
    not to mention all that other nice stuff on your desk :)

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  • Barbie Coloring Pages 1

  • Satoneko
    Oct 23, 07:57 PM
    macbook 2.0ghz c2d, 4gb
    audioengine a2 speakers
    samsung bx2250 21.5" led monitor
    extended keyboard II
    magic trackpad

    at some point i'd love to get a new laptop (debating between a powerhouse mbp i7 or a sexy little mba) but i'm pretty happy with my setup as is.

    There is one thing in your setup which breaks my heart......

    Actually I might KILL for that Extended Keyboard II.:p

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  • Barbie the Star coloring page

  • buffsldr
    Oct 13, 11:42 PM
    Originally posted by Nipsy

    Just a quickie:
    I'm not whining about anything. I think of Macs as entry level workstations (not as desktops), and as such, I find them cheap, reliable, and speedy.

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  • Barbie Coloring Pages 4

  • dsut4392
    Apr 11, 05:23 AM
    Interesting point, although what you're not factoring in is that the resale value of CS5 is substantial whereas the resale value of the subscription model is ZERO :D

    Nor the fact that the only part of that �8000 up-front cost you save is the �1700 cost of the Adobe software. 21% saving is better than nothing, but you would do better to get your business modelling and recruitment right...

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  • This coloring page features

  • dornoforpyros
    Nov 8, 08:01 AM
    hey, good job actually keeping the consumer and the pro lines separate this time, no more of that "low end MBP has the same clockspeed as a high end MB"

    Mar 1, 08:39 PM

    Apr 14, 11:10 AM
    Sad part is, as adoption will viruses/malware/trojans/etc.

    Best analogy Ive heard is:

    Windows 7 is a house with bars on the windows, and industrial locks on the Baltimore.

    OSX is a house with no locks, in the middle of nowhere.

    Viruses and malware target the more gullible of society. These people buy the cheap $300 or under computers. In a way the proliferation of viruses provides an excuse for poor computer performance that distracts from the poor performance of such low quality machines.

    Sep 4, 11:27 AM
    AppleInsider confirms 4 and 8 GB metal-clad, multi-colored iPod nanos. They had previously confirmed the 23" Merom iMac. Now we can assume both of those will happen. The question is: what will happen with the full-size iPod. My prediction: absolutely nothing.

    Mar 14, 10:44 PM
    The sort of money you put down on a Mac you shouldn't expect anything less than USB 3.0 from here on out. Core 2 Duo in 2010 leaves a lot to be desired.

    This is pretty academic, since you've always paid a premium for the Apple logo. Rarely does a Mac laptop have cutting edge hardware across the board (see the graphics cards in laptops for an example of something that seems always a generation or more behind). The sad reality is that even though you're right, they'll continue to sell those laptops at a prodigious rate. Most people don't care about technical specs as much as they do the overall user experience.

    Nov 6, 11:42 PM
    a new black one?.. yeah.... :cool:

    I would too, but I'm just warning whoever posted the price that 700 bucks would be very low for the computer.